Pulse Test & Tag

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Do fire extinguishers have an expiry date?

For the people of New Zealand, the threat of fire is quite real. We are aware of their potential occurrence anywhere, at any moment, and the complete destruction and mayhem that a fire may cause, as well as how rapidly it can rage out of control.

Our collective adolescent and adult lives have been filled with fire drills, fire alarms, fire trucks, fire blankets, and fire extinguishers, not to mention the periodic fire emergencies that are chronicled in the news.

Many houses and organisations these days have several fire alarms and fire extinguishers, but did you know that every fire extinguisher has an expiration date? Fire extinguishers’ components can deteriorate and lose their effectiveness over time, rendering them useless in an emergency. Therefore, having a false sense of security and believing that “it won’t happen to me” could be life-threatening.

Don’t let complacency catch you off guard; hire experts to protect your home and place of business. The staff at Pulse Test and Tag New Zealand are fully prepared to maintain and examine your fire extinguishers on a regular basis. To schedule your bi-annual extinguisher testing and your five-yearly extinguisher pressure testing, call Pulse Test and Tag New Zealand at 0800 785 434. For the health and durability of your fire extinguishers, as well as for your own safety and peace of mind, both of these checks are crucial.

Pulse Test and Tag New Zealand will verify the signs, accessibility, pressure gauges, safety pin, labels, and security tie on your extinguisher before punching the service tag for confirmation of inspection.

Lives, homes, and businesses can be saved thanks to properly maintained fire equipment. On the other hand, poorly maintained fire equipment can and has resulted in property and lives lost. Act immediately and take the possibility of fire seriously. Contact Pulse Test and Tag New Zealand today.

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